Shoulder problems

The shoulder is classed as a ball and socket joint but in reality it is more like ball and saucer, which allows it to be very mobile but can be prone to problems of instability, muscle damage or stiffness.

A complex system of muscles holds the joint together but sometimes these can become strained, torn or subject to wear and tear. Postural faults can also lead to biomechanical problems with pain on movement.

A variety of tests are carried out to diagnose the condition and appropriate treatment is then implemented. It is best if problems are caught early as stiffness and pain can set in, making it more difficult to treat. Early treatment speeds up the recovery, with advice on self management and mobilisation exercises.

Some of the problems we can treat

Plus: work-related over use injuries and rehabilitation after surgery, eg: knee or hip replacements.

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Book an appointment

Joyce Charlton t/a Allen Valleys Physiotherapy Studio 4, Allendale Forge Studios, Market Place Allendale, NE47 9BD U.K. work 01434 618423